28 July 2014

“Bread & Butter Berlin 2014 – Vol.01”

Bread & Butter Berlin 2014 – Vol.01”

Bread & Butter is one of the biggest events in the fashion world. It was originally founded in 2001. Bread & Butter Berlin 2014 was held on the 8 - 10th July 2014. Yeah, it was just passed, but I still couldn’t forget what I had seen over there, it’s wicked!

Bread & Butter Berlin (BBB), it’s a fashion tradeshow that opens the door of fashion world to the public and buyers. From those names we known to some independent running labels, fashion brands from allover the world came to Berlin and knocked the door of success. The venue was a former airport, so how spacious there you could imagine. The 4 big halls in the venue have been filled up with different brands and visitors. The World cup this year has evolved BBB to a special one when compared with the previous. With the concept of fiesta, BBB is not only a tradeshow, but also a party! Could you imagine that there were: man – made beach, pool, bowling alley and many other fantastic pop – up facilities!

Stay tuned for more BBB’s news.

Bread & Butter Berlin 2014 – Vol.01

源自2001年的Bread & Butter fashion tradeshow是每年fashion 界的盛事, 今年Bread & Butter Berlin 2014,在7810日德國的柏林舉行,雖然已經完滿結束,但當天看到的、遇到的仍然歷歷在目,皆因實在太精彩了!

Bread & Butter Berlin (BBB)是一個開放給大眾與時裝買手的展覽,從我們熟悉的,到一些獨立品牌,來自世界各地的參展商都聚集於柏林。為的就是在時裝市場上分一杯羹。BBB場地的前身是一個機場,你可以想像那裡有多大吧!4個極大的展覽廳組成了BBB的主體,當天整個場地放滿的除了是參展商外,還有源源不的訪客。此外適逢今年是世界杯年,BBB都配合了森巴派對的主題,部分露天的場地特設了人造沙灘、泳池、保齡球賽道等一些讓人看到就興奮的設施!

待續 - 更多關於BBB的分享啊。

"The big hall inside the venue"

"Wicked! Beach!"

"Bread & Butter Berlin 2014"

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