24 September 2014

“Designersblock at London Design Festival 14”

 “Designersblock at London Design Festival 14

This September never stops! Besides, the London Fashion Week, there’s another top event happened in the capital. 18th – 21st were the days of the Designersblock - London Design Festival 2014.

Comes to the 17th edition this year, Located in one of the most historical buildings in London - - The Old Sessions House. This iconic landmark has brought enough vibe into this yearly top event. Designersblock shows over 100 independent designers, collectives and companies from different disciplines, level and experience. It provides a platform for designers to exchange their experiences freely; the ideas flow back and forth. This chill atmosphere makes Designersblock different from the other design shows.

The amazing lighting projection at the ceiling impressed all the visitors at the entrance. When the old meets new, all the booths were surprisingly stand out.
Stay turned, more selected designers will be introduced!

Designersblock at London Design Festival 14

9月的倫敦就是停不下來!除了倫敦時裝週外,還有另一城中熱話 Designersblock - London Design Festival 201491821日舉行。

Designersblock 來到第17個年頭,與一般設計展不同,不同的獨立設計師、單位、公司等都結集來到倫敦市中,其中一座最具歷史價的建築物 The Old Sessions House擺放自己最出色的作品。超過100個參與單位,當中有著不同經驗、程度的設計師,也有一些設計畢業生等。在場隨處可見,設計師們互相交流經驗、見解。就是這樣Designersblock提供一個交流的平台予設計師們。這樣輕鬆自在的環境在其他的設計展對看不到。
