A pop up store for London based fashion,
jewelry and accessories designers – OFF STRAND is now opening from 26th
– 31st August 10am – 7pm at Shoreditch! OFF STRAND Vol.3 returns
with the remarkable succeed from the first 2 in London and The
OFF STRAND brings the designers to the door
of success. It provides a platform for the young designers to show the world
what they are creating. Besides, it also lets the visitors to buy the new
collections before they hit the stores.
28th August was the press release
day for the designers to show off their new collections. With the 2 best
buddies - wine and music, everything just went very well. The venue’s location
(The Aubin Cinema at Shoreditch) was picked amazingly! Big area doesn’t mean
the best; this cozy cinema and its open area are just perfect as a creative pop
up store. The drinking section at the basement was crowded with people. This is
the way to chill with friends. Meanwhile, the lighting, pops and decoration
made the store perfectly completed.
I can’t wait for the OFF STRAND VOL.4!
STRAND是一個期間限定的項目,為主要以倫敦為據點的時裝、手飾、配飾設計師提供一個與外間接觸的好機會。經過第一,二次的成功,OFF STRAND的第三回,載譽歸來倫敦,8月26-31日,早上10時至下午7時,在東倫敦的Shoreditch。
8月28日的OFF STRAND是各設計師發佈新系列的日子。酒與音樂永遠最能夠帶出氣氛。而場地本身選址亦不錯,The Aubin Cinema是一個十分有個性的地方,用以給予一些創意單位作租用是一個不錯的點子。地下一層的酒水部份,則為到來的三五知己提供一個吹水的好機會!提得一提的是場地的燈光、道具與裝飾都令這次的OFF STRAND更為完美。
現在已經急不及待地期待著OFF STRAND的第四回!