24 February 2015

"Its’ all about trust; bus in London."




"Its all about trust; bus in London."

The new bus in London was originally designed for the 2012 London Olympic. Booom! As the public transport, the streamlined design is really a breakthrough. The windows are extended from the lower deck to the upper one; it lets you to see through the scenes while getting up and down. Besides, it got 3 oyster readers aligned in the front, middle and back doors of the bus. And people could aboard and get off freely from either one of them.

The born of this design, its all about trust. So far, I just met couples of customers and drunk guys whose didnt pay and hop on the bus. Yeah, trust still exists.

15 February 2015

“Ippudo” in London

一風堂 米字國

前幾天試了在米字國首都新開的 一風堂,對呀,是香港也有分店的 一風堂 呀!

源自日本福岡的 一風堂,在倫敦的中心Tottenham Court Road附近開了樓高兩層的新店,裝飾以暗暗的燈光為主,走hip的路線,門口大大個 一風堂 的燈牌,看見這3個中文字,親切感覺突然湧上心頭!印象中香港的 一風堂 拉麵大概只有分紅白兩款口味,倫敦的分店也如此,另外再有辣及特別的款式。當天點了紅的一款,是次拉麵與上次香港的經驗一樣 - 大滿足!作為鎮店之寶,一風堂 的湯底,有口感之餘,每一啖均充滿著骨膠原,而且豬骨味濃,即使將整碗湯底喝完,亦一點都不口渴呀。甜品方面,如果你喜歡抺茶的話,真的不得了,味道突出,而且不會過甜。在異地吃著曾在香港吃過的同一款食品,感覺很是特別,有點時空交錯的感覺⋯⋯

Ippudo in London

Because of a friend birthday, I had tried the Ippudo very first branch in London.

Located at Tottenham Court Road, central London. Ippudo is a traditional ramen restaurant originally from Fukuoka, Japan. Before the London one, I had also tried the branch in Hong Kong. I gotta say different places; same satisfaction. The ramen soup base that Ippudo made would amaze you for no doubt. As the signature of the restaurant, every sip of it is just full of collagen and the favor of pork bones. Simple is the best; thats why Ippudo just basically offers red and white soup based ramen and on top of that plus some special favors like spicy. If you like matcha, then dont miss the dessert they do. I bet you would love the matcha ice cream they made!

Its so indescribable when you were eating the same thing that you had eaten before but in different places. Its actually the déjà vu! Boooom!

10 February 2015

”Hidden gem in Camden, awesome coffee! - By The Roundhouse”

” Camden Town的隱世咖啡店 By The Roundhouse”

從來都對Camden Market 沒有特別的好感⋯⋯因為太多人、太多遊客,賣的都是女人街貨飾,所以如沒有特別原因都不會拜訪。但今天因為工作關係在Camden Town偶爾發現了一間感覺舒適的咖啡店,大家可以一訪呀。

By The Roundhouse 就在Chalk Farm Road 一直向前行,離Camden Market 只有大約5分鐘的步程。店鋪採用柔和的黃燈,裝修簡單。畢竟是咖啡店嘛,食物才是重點!他們的飲品質素甚高,當天點了Chai Latte,口感比外面的還要豐富,味道更香濃。而且食品定價亦十分合理。值得推介推介!

”Hidden gem in Camden, awesome coffee! - By The Roundhouse”

Frankly speaking, I am not a fans of Camden Market at all… it always full of tourists and the shops sell very typical “tourist” stuffs too. I won’t go there normally unless if there’s a need. Because of work, I passed by Camden and found a hidden gem randomly today.

”By The Roundhouse” is a cozy café located further down the Chalk Farm Road, it is just literally 5 minutes walk from the Camden market. I do like the warmth lighting with simply decorated interior of ”By The Roundhouse”. Quality of food and brevage are always the main issue for a proper café. I ordered the Chai Latte, it just tasted so rich and delicious that you probably can’t find from the other places. I think there’s no excuse to miss this affordable and excellent café. Aaaaw, recommended!

04 February 2015

“It just never ends; Shoreditch”

“It just never ends; Shoreditch”

這間位於Shoreditch 的時裝店Hostem,佔地兩層,主打售賣歐洲各地的牌子。店鋪外面是典型的英式磚牆,但內裡則是臥虎藏龍。地面一層,暗暗的,充滿神秘感,貨品陳列得簡潔有序,貨架上的牌子亦睇頭十足,有Dries Van Noten, Phoebe English Simone Rocha等等。而上一層則是另一世界,日光從窗中透出,光線十足,掛在天花的大型雕塑,隨著空氣緩慢移動,好不震撼。


With the normal British bricks wall outside, Hostem is such a stunning boutique that would amaze you with the brands they carried. So again, don't judge one on how they look.

This two levels shop with totally different decoration theme on each floor. From the darkness of the ground floor to the brightness of the second floor; the giant mobile hanged on the rooftop was also way shocking. You were literally shopping at an art gallery.

Selected brands from all over the European countries such as Dries Van Noten, Phoebe English and Simone Rocha would be found on Hostem's racks. A hidden gem was discovered on the day when I was strolled around with my fashion buyer pal in Hostem - EGG from the UK. Their pieces were all simply designed with unique cutting and high quality fabrics. Oversized bold trousers matched perfectly with a white tee. Wear it as the high waist style; your ootd will be completed!

31 January 2015

"Choccywoccydoodah; the best ever"

"Choccywoccydoodah; the best ever"

Originally from Brighton, you could find the best hot chocolate in the capital – Choccywoccydoodah. There are only two branches across the UK; one in Brighton, the other one located at heart of London, Carnaby Street.

Choccywoccydoodah is more than a traditional chocolate shop; I would rather say a fantasy art deco shop instead. Once you entered the shop, your eyeballs will literately be attracted by the chocolate masterpieces in a second. Together with the tempted coco smell, you just can’t get rid of it. Upstairs is the gem of the shop. A little cozy café which full of relaxing vibe, time would probably run slower here. If you have no idea what to pick as a first comer; the hot chocolate is your choice then. This signature drink comes with white, milk and dark chocolate 3 different favors. Every cup serves with marshmallows, chocolate sticks and cream with top of coco powder. I personally prefer the dark chocolate; you would taste the true rich favor of coco. If you are not full enough, try the cakes they made! Then you will figure it out why people keep pop in even there’s line outside.


Choccywoccydoodah全英國暫時只有兩家分店,一家在Brighton,另一家坐立位於倫敦市中心的Carnaby Street。位於店鋪二樓的Café 絕對是不可錯過的瑰寶。這個佔地不是太大的Café,但卻滿滿地充斥著輕鬆的氣氛。要數必試的,毫無疑問是熱朱古力!這款著名的熱飲有白朱古力,牛奶及黑朱古力共三個選擇,每杯都有綿花糖,朱古力棒,及灑滿朱古力粉的忌廉。個人最愛的是黑朱古力,濃香的可可味,滿香噗鼻。如果還想點一些吃的,可以嘗試他們的蛋糕。正所謂一試便知龍與鳳,長期的排隊,並非浪得虛名的。

19 January 2015

“Neon in London”

 “Neon in London

“Lights Of Soho” is a pop up gallery from 25th November 2014 to 18th January 2015 at Brewer Street, London. 

The best medium of light work from all over the world gathered together in Soho to show off the magic of lights. Mixed of materials were used in the pieces and filled up the 2 levels of gallery. The designs in the basement would definitely amaze youFrom Mickey Mouse, posters, card games to coffin, you could never expect what you were seeing with the neon. 

Expect the unexpected. London is a city that we love.

27 December 2014

“Pale for SS15”

 “Pale for SS15

Next spring and summer; go for the pale! Pale color no doubt that is one of the top trends in the coming season.

Here we go! Selected from Topman, a simple short sleeves slim cut pale turquoise shirt is definitely the door to the trend. Next year, let’s start from the basic and carry on!  

Pale turquoise short sleeves slim shirt from Topman